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FMSI XXXVI National Congress
27. ožujka 2019 - 29. ožujka 2019
Dearest All,
I am delighted to announce that our next FMSI XXXVI National Congress will take place in Rome, at the Congress Centre of the Hotel “Rome Cavalieri”, from 27th to 29th March 2019.
The National Congress always represents the most significant scientific and cultural moment for our vocational training and professional development, being also a very important occasion to meet each other and a moment of constructive discussion among all FMSI Members.
This particular Congress is also loaded with a special meaning: we will celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the Federation’s Foundation. An extraordinary path lasted 90 years, during which the FMSI changed from a Federation of services to a Scientific Society, point of reference at international level, aimed to embody and defend – in Italy and around the World – the excellence of the “Italian model” which arises from the university system, the sports system and the law system of our Country: from the protection of athletes’ health through the obligation of the certification of eligibility for sports, to the fight against doping and the scientific research applied to physical activity.
For this reason, we decided to realize a Congress which – as you can appreciate from the draft of the Scientific Program – will add a great value to the breadth and to the cross-cutting nature of Sports Medicine, focusing on prevention – primary, secondary and tertiary – through the prescription of the right dose of exercise as fundamental tool for risk reduction and, consequently, for the improvement of the so called “biological age” compared to the “chronological age”.
But, most of all, it will be a moment of aggregation and sharing, to celebrate and relive the “Federal collective memory” which, staring from the memory of the founding fathers of Sports Medicine, will tell the story of the most important moments and of the most significant projects of the history of our Federation.
This is to underline how important is the participation of all of us to the Congress of the 90th Anniversary, which represents the real occasion of participation to our Federation’s life.
Say “I will be there” to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of our Federation, testifying with your presence the strength of associative dynamics.
Looking forward to shaking your hands and welcoming you in person, I’m waiting for you in Rome on 29th March 2019!
Maurizio Casasco